Oakside Saddlery Store MEASURING
Oakside Saddlery


If you want to know more about Leather and the craft then this is the page for you.

Links to my Youtube videos on how-to get started with leathercraft


What is leather and what leather do I use


Information on buckles and their finishes


If you want to know more about the leather that I use then you need to check out the link below. The page has details about where I source my leather and the tanneries that I use.


Unsure about what finish you would like on your buckle. Then check out the link below and see what options are available.


I use a variety of hand stitching threads. Some are for a specific job but others are my everyday go-to thread.
If you want to know more then check out the link below.

Getting in to leathercraft

So you want to get in to leathercraft, or you are just interested about the work that goes in to bespoke handmade leather goods. Then take a look at my YouTube channel videos on the skills that I use to make my handmade leather goods.